Intro to Acrylics - 2 day course (6 hours of class time) at the Studio
Learn How to Paint in a fun, easy going environment with a small class size. No Experience Necessary. We will learn to take a beach reference photo (selected by Marie) and create a realistic painting from it.
Class Fee $50
Materials Cost: $50 this includes 11 x 14 Canvas, 3 brushes, and use of studio supplies (paints, palettes, mediums, etc. ) or bring your own supplies if you have.
Class Size - max 6 student- small and personable.
Medium : Acrylics on Canvas
In the 3 weeks we will learn how to paint a West Coast Beach Scene plus touch on
1. The tools of the trade - brush care, paints, mediums, varnishes, papers, etc.
2. Creating shape and form- the 4 basic shapes in painting.
3. Basics of landscape - Background, middle ground and foreground
4. Colour theory.
5. Oh and did I mention we will actually paint... I will just slip some of the other stuff in
Regular Supplies include
Canvas (or other surface) to paint on
Brushes (assorted including flats, filberts, rounds, fans, etc) Synthetic and or hog bristle
Wet Palette
Acrylic Paints including White, Payne's Grey, Primary Yellow/Red/Blue, Earth tones including Burnt Umber, Raw Umber, Burnt Sienna, Raw Sienna, Yellow Ochre, etc. but with our 3 primaries we can mix most of what we need.
Other supplies: paper towel, que tips, note book for writing notes, pencil, eraser (kneaded), masking tape, tracing paper, graphite paper, Brush Basin, Stylus etc.